Dear Brand…yours sincerely, Consumer

I recently received an email from a company whose content I really enjoy. More than that – as I am in contact with many brands who would benefit from using their service, I have referred clients to them over the past year. However, to my dismay (as a subscriber) I received the following email from… keep reading →

Email campaigns will predict the content you want

Campaign Monitor did a roundup of 10 predictions for 2016 by 10 leading experts. Kath was asked to contribute… Email campaigns will predict the content you want One of the things that marketers are constantly struggling with is optimizing their campaigns, with the objective of being able to deliver emails that are valuable to the… keep reading →

How To Craft a Compelling Subject Line

Subject lines are always a challenge to most email marketers. Here are a few key do’s and don’ts to keep in mind when you write your next one. Do craft your subject line immediately after writing your objective The simple act of writing your subject line first will help you to stay focused on the… keep reading →

black and white photo of a baseball game

Why email calls to action are different to webpage CTAs

Note: There are 3 main steps in the conversion process within email: 1: Convert to open; 2: Convert to click; 3: Convert to final objective (generally on landing page). In this post, we’re focusing on steps #2 and #3. When creating calls to action in email, never lose sight of the fact that email is… keep reading →