@ symbol in orange and white: 7 common problems that derail A/B/n email testing success

7 common problems that derail A/B email testing success

Don’t blame the channel if your efforts when performing A/B email tests don’t deliver the results you need. Keep this old and reliable tool shiny and new. Whenever I begin working with new clients who face major problems with their email marketing, one of the first things I review is how they conduct their email… keep reading →

Lightbulbs - stay in touch with customers who open rarely

When “One to Everyone” Email Messages Make Sense

First, the good news: For many years, experienced marketers have been preaching the advantages of targeting messages and using advanced segmentation for greater relevance, engagement and conversions, and marketers finally seem to be using these helpful tactics. Hooray! Now, the bad news: Some marketers are taking the advanced segmentation approach a little too much to… keep reading →

It’s time to put the ‘marketing’ back into email marketing

Adopting a holistic approach to email marketing will help you break through barriers, serve your customers better and drive stronger results for your company. Holistic Email Marketing is a reliable source of up-to-date, practical guidance, inspiration and thought leadership to make your email marketing programmes dynamic. This book will enable you to: Develop strategies and… keep reading →

Lead with Email Marketing Strategy, Not Tactics

Email tactics are easy. An email marketing strategy is hard. Maybe that’s why 55% of email marketers in a 2018 study by Holistic Email Marketing for Tripolis said they don’t follow a definitive written strategy for their marketing programs. I have to admit I was not surprised by that finding. Coming up with a game plan… keep reading →