5 Ecommerce Customer Segments to Automate and Engage with Email

Your customer data is a goldmine of information just waiting to be discovered. You know that emails which reflect a customer’s data are more relevant and likely to be acted on, but too many marketers stop at basics like name, gender or location. Deeper data-mining can unlock insights about your buyers that help solve business… keep reading →

B2B Marketing Expo

Customers Over Channels & The B2B Marketing Expo

Well, that was fun! It was our first time exhibiting and what a great time we all had at the B2B Marketing Expo.  There was an impressive amount of knowledge under one roof and many interesting seminars and masterclasses. We really enjoyed meeting so many excellent people over the two days. Our founder, Kath Pay did… keep reading →

Marketing Automation

Marketing Automation: Using a Customer-First not Channel-First Approach at B2B Expo – 14:45 28 March, Theatre 7

B2B Marketing Expo 2017  B2B Marketing Expo 2017 is packed with the most innovative and influential figures working in marketing today and it’s free to attend! Designed for the country’s top marketing professionals, the event provides you with the opportunity to hear from the most influential leaders in marketing. We’re pleased to announce that Holistic Email Marketing’s CEO… keep reading →