How Empathy is Making Us Better Email Marketers

One of the silver linings of this crazy 2020 has been getting to chat more often with far-flung marketing friends – the people I would normally see several times a year at industry conferences but now view weekly on my computer screen. These virtual happy hours began informally when we were all on lockdown as… keep reading →

Purist vs. Pragmatist: What Kind of Email Marketer Are You?

What kind of email marketer are you? This question sounds like a sketchy Facebook quiz. But I’m asking for a legitimate reason. Here’s the set-up: An email marketer—sometimes a novice but not always—asks whether double opt-in is the only way to add subscribers to a mailing list that complies with data privacy laws and email… keep reading →

Email Urban Myths

4 Email Urban Myths, Busted!

In the 20+ years since email proved itself as a worthy channel for messaging and marketing, we still don’t have a single set of guidelines that’s accessible for all, for the best way to conduct business with it. For many of us, “best practices” fill that knowledge gap. So, we latch onto these concepts when… keep reading →