
2 Ways to Solve Your Greatest Email Personalisation Challenges

Wow! I’m still buzzing from the fantastic Holistic Live Circle we hosted recently with our friends at Pure360. Komal Helyer, Pure360’s marketing director, and I talked with marketers from a wide range of industries about what they’re doing right now to increase conversions: what works, what doesn’t, and how marketers can drive higher conversions from… keep reading →

Double Opt-in

Please Confirm That You Want To Read About Double Opt-in

Double Opt-in is not a requirement of GDPR. Providing evidence of consent is, and DOI just one of the many ways you can provide evidence. MailChimp have changed to being to Single Opt-in (SOI) after being Double Opt-in (DOI) for many years. An interesting move and one I see the logic in. Since the news… keep reading →

B2B Marketing Expo

Customers Over Channels & The B2B Marketing Expo

Well, that was fun! It was our first time exhibiting and what a great time we all had at the B2B Marketing Expo.  There was an impressive amount of knowledge under one roof and many interesting seminars and masterclasses. We really enjoyed meeting so many excellent people over the two days. Our founder, Kath Pay did… keep reading →