
2 Ways to Solve Your Greatest Email Personalisation Challenges

Wow! I’m still buzzing from the fantastic Holistic Live Circle we hosted recently with our friends at Pure360. Komal Helyer, Pure360’s marketing director, and I talked with marketers from a wide range of industries about what they’re doing right now to increase conversions: what works, what doesn’t, and how marketers can drive higher conversions from… keep reading →

Let Strategy Drive Your Technology Decisions

Choosing a new email or marketing automation platform is like being invited to pick out your own present from an array of tempting goodies. Will you pick the one that makes you happy? Or, will you end up with buyer’s remorse? This article offers you many excellent ideas to help you make the wisest technology… keep reading →

How Holistic Testing Can Bring You Greater Rewards

Do you have a holistic testing strategy? Testing is the best way to find out what makes your customers tick, but if you market across multiple digital channels, you must come up with a testing protocol for each channel: email, web, social media, retargeting, SMS etc. Or do you? And even though you already know… keep reading →

Holistic Live! Together - marketing automation event

April’s Holistic Live! Together Round-up

Last week we had our second Holistic Live! Together, a morning meet up partnered with Pure360.  Kath Pay from Holistic Email and Komal Helyer from Pure360 spoke at our recent Marketing Automation event. A big thank you for all the people who came and made it such a fab event with lots of great questions… keep reading →