Purist vs. Pragmatist: What Kind of Email Marketer Are You?

What kind of email marketer are you? This question sounds like a sketchy Facebook quiz. But I’m asking for a legitimate reason. Here’s the set-up: An email marketer—sometimes a novice but not always—asks whether double opt-in is the only way to add subscribers to a mailing list that complies with data privacy laws and email… keep reading →

Email Roundtable Discussion: Email Delivery Wins

Bill asked me to lead a discussion based on my article/case study: 0% to 100% in Gmail? Yes, It Happened, and Here’s How! We tend to treat deliverability as a dirty secret and more often than not only ever hear bad stories – so let’s flip it and share our successes. So I thought this is… keep reading →

Are You Paying Too Much for Your ESP?

What’s holding your email marketing programme back from helping you achieve all of your marketing goals? I’m not asking if something is keeping your programme from advancing. Even successful marketers run into roadblocks. You might think the answer is to shop around for more advanced technology. But, you might end up paying too much for… keep reading →