Let Strategy Drive Your Technology Decisions

Choosing a new email or marketing automation platform is like being invited to pick out your own present from an array of tempting goodies. Will you pick the one that makes you happy? Or, will you end up with buyer’s remorse? This article offers you many excellent ideas to help you make the wisest technology… keep reading →

think strategy

Think strategy, not tactics, when choosing email marketing technology

This blog offers you many ideas to help you make the wisest technology choices for your company and digital marketing program. I’d like to start with one major consideration: The technology you choose must support, enable and advance your objectives and strategies. Too often, it’s the reverse. A marketer jumps on a shiny and new feature and then… keep reading →

How Machine Learning Takes Email Marketing to New Heights

The possibilities and potential for machine learning never fail to amaze me, whether they could make my personal life easier (now my kitchen appliances can talk to each other, but do I want to know what they’re saying about me?) or open up new vistas for email marketers. In case you’re wondering whether machine learning… keep reading →