4 Reasons Why You Don’t (Necessarily) Need Double Opt-In

We’ll be the first to admit that many email marketing “best practices” are basically BS, but is double opt-in one of them? We’re about to open Pandora’s inbox on this controversial topic, but first: a refresher. What Is Double Opt-In? Double opt-in (DOI), as defined succinctly by Litmus, is the subscription process where a new… keep reading →

Brits vs. Yanks: Who’s Winning With Email Marketing?

Email marketing in the United States and the United Kingdom has much in common, but there’s plenty of difference between the two countries. Sure, some surface differences exist regarding our use of the English language: color/colour, cart/basket, Main Street/High Street, holiday/Christmas. Plus, U.S. marketers haven’t caught on to the “payday” or “bank holiday” promotions that… keep reading →

Are You Paying Too Much for Your ESP?

What’s holding your email marketing programme back from helping you achieve all of your marketing goals? I’m not asking if something is keeping your programme from advancing. Even successful marketers run into roadblocks. You might think the answer is to shop around for more advanced technology. But, you might end up paying too much for… keep reading →