The Art & Science of Email Personalisation & AI

By Jonathan Pay

Email marketing is evolving at an unprecedented pace, with personalisation and AI leading the charge. But how do these two powerful tools intersect to create truly impactful email campaigns? This is the question posed in Episode 3 of the “Email & More” series, where Skip Fidura, our trusted moderator, dives deep into “The Art & Science of Email Personalisation & AI” with a panel of industry experts: Kath Pay, Adrea Amboyer, Alice Ribton, Faithful Adia, and Jess Evans-Tudor.

In today’s competitive digital landscape, email marketing success hinges on the ability to deliver the right message to the right person at the right time. This episode unpacks how personalisation—supercharged by AI—can turn a standard email campaign into a dynamic, engaging experience for your audience.

What is Personalisation in Email Marketing?

At its core, personalisation is about making your audience feel seen and valued. It’s more than just addressing your recipients by their first name. It’s about leveraging data to deliver content that speaks directly to their needs, behaviors, and preferences. Kath Pay aptly pointed out, “Personalisation goes beyond inserting a name in an email. It’s about understanding the recipient’s journey and delivering content that resonates.”

This approach to personalisation is vital, especially as consumers are bombarded with content daily. A tailored email can cut through the noise, driving engagement and conversions.

The Role of AI in Email Personalisation

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized how marketers approach email campaigns. AI enables the analysis of vast amounts of data, identifying patterns and predicting future behavior. This allows marketers to create highly personalised experiences at scale, something that was previously unimaginable.

Jess Evans-Tudor highlighted the importance of AI in segmenting audiences and crafting content that speaks to each segment’s unique interests. She noted, “AI takes the guesswork out of personalisation. It helps us understand what our audience truly wants, allowing us to deliver content that feels personal and relevant.”

Challenges in Implementing AI for Personalisation

While the potential of AI is vast, the panel did not shy away from discussing the challenges. Adrea Amboyer stressed that AI should be seen as a tool to enhance, not replace, human creativity. “AI provides the data, but it’s up to us as marketers to use that data effectively. The human touch is still essential,” she explained.

This sentiment was echoed by Alice Ribton, who shared her experience with balancing AI-driven insights with creative freedom. “AI can sometimes lead to overly formulaic content. The key is to use AI as a guide, not a crutch,” she advised.

Best Practices for Combining Personalisation and AI

The discussion also covered practical strategies for integrating AI into your email marketing efforts. Faithful Adia offered several actionable tips:

  1. Start Small: Begin with simple AI-driven personalisation tactics, such as dynamic content blocks that change based on user behavior.
  2. Test and Learn: Continuously test AI-driven content to understand what resonates best with your audience. Use these insights to refine your approach.
  3. Maintain the Human Touch: Ensure your emails don’t feel robotic. Balance AI-driven content with genuine human insights.

Kath Pay emphasized the importance of a holistic approach, blending AI’s capabilities with a deep understanding of your audience. “Personalisation should always aim to enhance the customer experience, not just drive sales,” she concluded.

Looking to the Future

As the episode drew to a close, the panelists shared their visions for the future of email marketing. The consensus was clear: AI and personalisation will continue to play pivotal roles, but success will depend on marketers’ ability to use these tools wisely. “The future of email marketing is about creating meaningful connections at scale,” Jess Evans-Tudor predicted.

This episode of “Email & More” offers a comprehensive look at how personalisation and AI can transform email marketing. Whether you’re just starting with AI or looking to refine your existing strategies, the insights shared by our expert panel provide a valuable roadmap for success.

Don’t miss out on all the insights, questions, and answers from the full episode, The Art & Science of Email Personalisation & AI, available to watch on demand both from our site and YouTube!

Many thanks to our special guests Kath Pay, Adrea Amboyer, Alice Ribton, Faithful Adia, and Jess Evans-Tudor for joining our panel and lending their expertise as well as to our live audience for their valued participation and questions.

Finally, a big thanks to our sponsors Iterable, Ongage, RPE Origin, and Actito for their generous support of this series.

Hungry for more? Email and More will be back to talk about Designing for Conversions within Email Marketing on 26 July 2022.  Sign up to receive our newsletter, Holistic Insights or follow us on social media to stay informed!